Against (Feb 18th. 2012)

I wrote the following rant years ago, see the title. Let’s just take a look and see how things have changed.

7:36 a.m.

I tire tire tire tire tire and tire of hearing people label those of us who want a simple thing like our borders protected as racist or anti-immigrant.  I am not  anti-immigrant, I am anti-ILLEGAL immigrant. In case you don't get it let me explain it to you in ways you might understand. (Today, still my #1 issue honestly)

I am not anti-lesbian, just anti-woman who hate men but then date a woman who looks like a man? (Now just a trans)

I am not anti-pro-choice, just anti-those that get to define what choice means. Pro-prostitution baby! (Still around)

I am not anti-fat people, just anti-sitting next to one on a plane and they get two seats for the price of one. (Fat is now beautiful so this one really literally blew up, and not just body size.)

I am not anti-handicapped parking, just anti-any mutha phucker with a hitch getting the sticker. (Everyone is no longer handi-capable is seems now.)

I am not ant-Catholic church, just anti-buggering little kids and Father O'Malley gets a slap on the wrist. (Still buggering little kids so…)

I am not anti-Romney, just anti-big government liberal. (Now they are literally everywhere thanks to Trump and the Wuhan.)

I am not anti-Santorum, see Romney above. (Now we have Romney and Crenshaw.)

I am not anti-welfare, just anti-those that can work not doing so and then living a better life than I do. (Again Wuhan blew this up. Now literally nobody works, thanks Trump.)

I am not anti-drug testing, just anti-drug testing for those that have a job and pay taxes but those that don't and GET taxes get a pass. (Wuhan)

And lastly but not finally, I am not anti-Obama, just anti-someone dumber than me telling me how to live and think and raise my children. (Biden says “hold my beer.”

That is my rant for today.

Today (10:30 a.m.)

LOL so what do I do? I can ignore it, acknowledge that there is nothing that will change and live my life. Or start this back up but with Thungsten Meridian at the helm….I like Thungsten, he makes me feel better…and that’s how I identify as happy, just by making fun of stuff. I made a short yesterday on my YouTube channel and a few people commented which I find fun as hell. I made more today.

Anyone got an app for that?


Simply Put (2015)


What’s the Problem