January 29th, 2012

I wrote this post on January 29th, 2012. I am going back and rereading my stuff to see how maybe the world, and I have changed…read along and let’s see how things went.

January 29th, 2012

Where They At (Title of the blog)

I would love to find a conservative candidate that I approve of that can win.....I love Ron Paul but he is not electable, especially to those on food stamps that will probably be having to work to get their check.  I can't get behind Newt as he proved when he was in office that he truly believes that bigger governement is better government.  I can't support Mitt because in a recent survey that I took I actually agreed with Obama 53% of the time,  and Mitt 54% of the time.....Yes I am pretty varied in my principles, but when the difference between the that I will just vote for Mitt. 

I want just a few things and I will be happy: 

1.  I want either America out of other countries or THEY pay for us to be there. (Up front)
2.  I want our borders secured and English as the only language for documents.
3.  I want you to report to work if you are between the ages of 18-65 and receive welfare/foodstamps. (you will report to a work distribution center where they will bus you to your detail, 9-5 just like the rest of America, don't want to do it, fine, no check.)

I will also take a hard look at Obamacare and want it repealed with the addition that people can buy insurance across state lines to see how that starts, and allow docs to accept cash so people can haggle for services.

Pretty simple, that is my rant for the day.

And wow. Just like that Ron Paul is gone and his son, who I like is in his image. And today even more than 2012 people DO NOT want to work.

It appears ALL of our representatives want bigger government, including the Orange Man Bad, creator of the killer vaccine.

Today I would vote for Obama over Mitt Romney with how he has done since 2012. Mitt is truly what is wrong with America, even more so than Obama…at least Obama was open about his hatred of American values, Mitt is a snake, or a McCain if you like.

My three things to be happy are simply so sad: We are still in every country on the planet. Sorry Ukraine, you are on your own if I am in charge. The border? LMAO !! Our border is more open than Kamala’s mouth when she was blowing up the political ladder. Work? The Wuhan gave our government the perfect opportunity to create an even more dependant society, well played Trump, Pelosi, Soros, Gates, well played. And lastly Obamacare. I have since had cancer and was cured so while it wasn’t Obamacare that saved me it damn sure didn’t kill me so….it has that going for it.

To sum it up I my view of the country as a whole is much worse off than it was in 2012….you can blame the Wuhan if you wish, I will blame myself for not holding officials accountable and just not being vocal enough. Now this won’t help any now but at least doing things like this will make me feel better a little bit, and that’s all that’s important today. My feelings.

Anyone got an app for that? Oh year, I AM the App for that!!


What’s the Problem


Prophetic Post This Was